Sunday, April 24, 2011


Wallace/Fox Christmas Party

The girls

Happy 2011!!

Robyn and Me cross-country ski day

Alta Ski Weekend

The holiday season came and went with a trip to Reno to visit friends and family and a visit from Josh's family in Salt Lake City.  We had a great time celebrating with everyone.

January and February were full of skiing and playing in the winter!  I taught a two month course, PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) at the Physical Therapy school.  This was my first experience teaching.  I learned a lot and this was a great experience personally and professionally.

March was fun filled: 
Josh had an amazing 12 day trip to Canada to go backcountry skiing with a group of people he met when he lived in Reno.  I was a bachelorette for the week!  Josh was kind enough to infect me with his cold before he left so I spent the majority of the week on the couch sick!

I also changed jobs in March. I was previously working outpatient neuro rehab at the University Hospital with an emphasis in amputee care.  I was also the clinical coordinator (micro-managing) the clinic. I thought I had my dream job, but could not for some reason figure out why I was so un-happy.  After many realizations I was fortunate enough to come upon an opening working on the inpatient rehab unit, still at the University of Utah Hospital and still in the same gym as my old job.  I am a part of the traumatic brain injury team (aka: young impulsive males). I work with 8 other PT's, 6-7 OT's, and 4-5 Speech Therapists. I see a wide variety of patient's which I really enjoy: post-stroke, brain tumors, amputations and any other weird neurological diagnosis you can think of.  This population is very rewarding and humbling to work with.  They are fighting for their lives. It is a daily reminder to value the simple things we may take for granted.  It's highly physical and very rewarding. I couldn't be happier with the change.

Josh and I recently took the plunge a bought a new car.  We got a Subaru Forester!! We decided we needed a car with more utility for all our camping, skiing, biking and dog activities we do.  We are selling Josh's car, so he gets to drive the new one.  It has been so much fun!

My mom came for a visit. We had a blast!  We treated her to a weekend at the Canyon's skiing and playing in Park City.  We took a beautiful hike up Millcreek Canyon with the girls, myself, Diane (mom-in-law) and my mom.  There is still TONS of snow but we had a blast!  It was great to see my mom and hopefully one day she will take the plunge and move on out here.

Josh went through PRK on Thursday (a form of LASIK) surgery for his eye's. He was legally blind = ) and is on his way to perfect sight!

The puppies are good as ever! We love them to pieces and enjoy their company so much. They are becoming better listeners and more obedient everyday.

In sad news, my Uncle Michael was recently diagnosed with Stage III Large B Cell Lymphoma with multiple points of infection. The most dangerous being along his spine.  He recently finished his first of potentially eight rounds of chemotherapy.  He tolerated the first round fair and is going to keep fighting until he decides the fight outweighs the benefits. We all LOVE him very much and are sending good healing thoughts his way all the time.

Finally, babies are EVERYWHERE it seems like...CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Jenny and her husband Rob who just gave birth to Tyler James. Also, Summer and Julie, congrats for the little ones on the way.  And it seems like Mal's little Lilly is going to be driving in the next week or so, she is growing up so fast!

We are looking forward to a summer full of camping, vacations, gardening and WARM SUN!!

LOVE to everyone!

Josh in Canada


Celebrating the Christmas Holiday with my Brenda Friend

Ski Day with the brother and my Dad

12th annual Thong X-change!!

Turner Fam


Cross-Country skiing with the girls


Park City

Ski DAY with MOM

Ski DAY with HUBBY

Hiking up MillCreek

Uncle Michael making the laps like a good patient

Ebony Princess