Tuesday, January 17, 2012

THE Holiday's and My old man turns 30!

In the blink of an eye, 2012 is upon us.  I would like to do a re-cap on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Josh turning 3 decades old!

We spent in Salt Lake City this year. We were grateful to be able to share the holiday with my in-laws, Charles and Diane. We all contributed and ate until our hearts were content. It was a very lovely dinner with good company. We are so thankful for so much, our health, a roof over our head, our puppies, our jobs, each other, living in a place we love to explore constantly, our friends and our family. THANK YOU to every one who is a part of what makes us.

Yin and her Pop Pop

Preparing for dinner

My contribution: Almond crusted pumpkin cheesecake

Ebony enjoying the warmth

Josh and I have chosen to alternate yearly with SLC and Reno. This was a SLC year. It started off with the annual Wallace/Fox Christmas party, hosted by our dear friends, Sara and Matt.

We are so thankful for the family that came to visit. Justin, Zach and Cassie, Uncle Steve and Krissy, and my mom. The holiday would not have been what it was without you.  We shared ski days together, went to the Nutcracker with my mom, walked the puppies lots, shopped until we dropped, went to the Leonardo, saw the Temple lights for the first time, and many delicious home-cooked holiday meals. (Josh and I pulled off our first turkey, thanks to Mimi's help) We had Christmas dinner round two with a ham and delicious contributions from our other fam, Charles and Diane. LOTS of memories to be shared...

My SaraPie

Keri, Me, Ashley

The Hubs

Our Niece: The beautiful Cassie

My Christmas Eve White Elephant Gift: Summo Thumb Wrestlers, SCORE!

The Traditional Christmas Turner Family Photo

The In-Laws


Always serious Ebs

Uncle Steve

Josh and Justin


Enjoying Uncle Steve

Our first trip to Temple Square to see the lights

Josh's Self-Portrait

Reno, at the Leonardo Museum

Feeling what it would be like to have a prosthesis, NOT EASY


The bro-in-law

Mama and Me

At Alta, bringing the boys lunch

The Nutcracker

Winter Hiking

Mom and Me up Millcreek Canyon with the pups
The BIG 3-0!
My darling husband has completed 3 decades of his life.  He is an amazing husband, man, friend, PT, brewmeister, dog lover, skier, mountain biker, hiker, lover of outdoors, peace keeper, athlete, free-spirit,  and fun-loving human I know. I am so grateful for him and the 30 years of wisdom he shares with me.

Cheers to the next 30!  Thank you to friends and family who made Josh's 30th birthday special. We love you all SO MUCH!

Per his request: Ski movies projected in the garage, home brewed beer, and best friends

Finally, Here's to 2012:

I have a list of resolutions/intentions:
1. Blog more frequently
2. Meditate more
3. Yoga more
4. Run more
5. Breathe more
6. Remove "you should" from my vocabulary

THANK YOU to everyone who made 2011 a year of love and joy. We are so grateful for the friends and family we have in our lives. It would be nothing without your love!