Sunday, October 31, 2010


We celebrated Halloween festivities with a double house party including both Robyn and Andy and our friends and families together. It was a blast!!

Here are a few photos from the night...

Prepared for the fun

Cupcake tower

Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi

Give us your best shot!

Brad and Liz

Little Bo Peep and Yin, not the missing sheep she was looking for


Rocked our Halloween Party

Sally and Jack
(Robyn and Andy)

Dexter AKA Collin

"Maverick" and Charlie
(Mitch and Erin)

The in-laws dancing to Haywire Outfit

Frida and Nacho Libre
(Amy and Jensen)

Chilean Miners were able to make the party
(Ty and Shaun)

Rhode Island Tourist Aaron

Where's Waldo???

= )

The Host's
Everyone had a great time and the costumes were creative and fun to look at.  Thanks to everyone for coming and making it a blast! Until next year...

1 comment:

  1. Looks as if everyone had an amazingly fun time. You guys know how to throw a party. Love the costumes. By the way Yin is getting big. Love to both of you
